Java Graphics Draw Hut Man

Following is a good program giving command over graphics. First imagine rough coordinates, after seeing the figure, adjust the coordinates.

import java.awt.* ;
import java.awt.event.* ;
public class Hut  extends Frame   
  public Hut()   
    setTitle("House to live by SNRao");

    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()   {  // for frame closing 
	public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )  {
     } } ) ;
  public void paint( Graphics g )   {
		                     // to draw outer house 
    g.drawLine(50,300,375,300);                //  Line 1   Flooring of the house
    g.drawLine(80,300,80,150);                 //  Line 2   Left wall of outer house
    g.drawLine(200,300,200,150); 	       //  Line 3   Right wall of outer house		
    g.drawLine(50,170,140,110); 	       //  Line 4   Left inclination of the roof		
    g.drawLine(140,110,230,170);               //  Line 5   Right inclination of the roof	
  	                            // to draw entrance(door frame)
    g.drawLine(110,220,110,300);	       //  Line 6   Entrance left	
    g.drawLine(170,220,170,300); 	       //  Line 7   Entrance right
    g.drawLine(110,220,170,220); 	       //  Line 8   Entrance top
	                            // to draw the man
    g.drawLine(320,280,300,300); 	       // Line 9    Left leg
    g.drawLine(320,280,340,300); 	       //  Line 10  Right leg
    g.drawLine(320,280,320,250); 	       //  Line 11   Body
    g.drawLine(300,270,320,250); 	       //  Line 12   Left hand
    g.drawLine(340,270,320,250); 	       //  Line 13   Right hand
    g.drawOval(310,230,20,20);                 //   Head
  public static void main(String args[])  {
    new Hut();   				//  just call the constructor

Java Graphics Draw Hut Man

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