
Draw Smiley Face Java Nested Panels

1. Creating Smiley Face

This tutorial, "Draw Smiley Face Java Nested Panels", gives command over graphics to a novice. Fill ovals and arc are arranged in such way it looks smiley face. For beautification, a background color of pink (predefined color) is given.

Example on Smiley Face
import java.awt.*;
public class SmileyFace extends Frame
  public SmileyFace()
    setTitle("Smiley Face");
    setSize(300, 300);
  public void paint(Graphics g)
    g.fillOval(10,40,250,250);      // pinky round face
    g.setColor(Color.black);         // lines will be in black
    g.fillOval(75, 80, 32, 32);       // left eye
    g.fillOval(180, 80, 32, 32);     // right eye
    g.drawArc(100,110,110,110,180,180);    // mouth
  public static void main(String args[])
    new SmileyFace();

Just change the mouth arc as follows to see a sad face.


Draw Smiley Face Java Nested Panels

2. Nested Panels

For a more complex arrangement of components, the panels can be nested. By setting layout for each panel separately, the required layout is achieved. The default layout for Panel is FlowLayout.

The concept of panels and a simple program on panels is available at " Java AWT Panels".

import java.awt.*;
public class NestedPanels extends Frame
  public NestedPanels()
    Panel mainPanel = new Panel();
    Panel leftPanel = new Panel();
    Panel rightPanel = new Panel();
                                 // setting layouts as per requirements
    mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 20, 0));
    rightPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 10, 0));
                                // colors to know the space occupied by each panel
                              // populating panels
    leftPanel.add(new Button("Button 1"));
    leftPanel.add(new Button("Button 2"));

    rightPanel.add(new Button("Button 3"));
    rightPanel.add(new Button("Button 4"));
                              // adding left and right panels to main panel
                             // adding main panel to frame
    add(mainPanel, "North");

    setSize(400, 200);
  public static void main(String args[])
    new NestedPanels();

Thee panels mainPanel, leftPanel and rightPanel are created. leftPanel and rightPanel are added to mainPanel.

mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 20, 0));
rightPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 10, 0));

mainPanel and rightPanel are set to GridLayout with properties 1 row, 2 columns and 20 or 10 horizontal gap and 0 vertical gap. Colors are set for each panel to know their existence on the frame and the space taken by each.

add(mainPanel, "North");

The two child panels leftPanel and rightPanel are added to mainPanel set with GridLayout earlier. The mainPanel is added to frame on north side.

The affect of all these panels is the following layout arrangement.

The yellow color shows the existence of main panel, the pink and magenta colors indicate left panel and righ panel.

The layouts of the three panels can be changed as follows to get different layout plan.

mainPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2, 20, 0));
leftPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
rightPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));