
View All OOPs

Advise for Freshers

Java OOPs are very easy to understand and practice due to avoidance of many confusing concepts of C++.

I feel better if you follow the same order of reading, as is in the following links, to have easy go.

    A) General Programs
  1. OOPS concepts – introduction
  2. Java Naming Conventions – Readability
  3. Basic Class Structure, Compilation and Execution
  4. Using Local and Instance Variables
  5. Using Methods and Method Overloading
  6. Three Great Principles – Data Binding, Data Hiding, Encapsulation
  7. Using Variables from Methods
  8. Using this Keyword
  9. Unassigned Local and Instance Variables
  10. static Keyword – Philosophy
  11. Static Methods, Static Variables
  12. Composition – “has-a” Relationship
  13. Inheritance
  14. Types of Inheritance
  15. Java Extends
  16. Java Extend Multiple Classes
  17. Method Overriding
  18. Member Hiding – super Keyword
  19. Constructors and Constructor overloading
  20. Java Constructor Properties
  21. Many Meanings of final Keyword – In and Outs
  22. Abstract Classes
  23. Interfaces – Partial implementation of Multiple Inheritance
  24. Java Extends and Implements
  25. Java Reference Variables – Objects – Anonymous objects
  26. Access Specifiers & Access Modifiers
  27. Rules of Access Specifiers in Method Overriding
  28. Access Modifiers – Meanings
  29. Java Private variable accessibility (Private access specifier)
  30. Dynamic Polymorphism
  31. Avoid confusion with static vs non-static
    B) Deeper Concepts and Programs – Increases coding skills
  1. Abstract class constructor & Interface abstract
  2. Extends Implements
  3. Play with Implements
  4. Why advised Public methods and Private Variables
  5. Call by value and Call by reference in Java
  6. Java Create Object
  7. Instantiate in Java
    C) General Concepts – Important for Interviews
  1. Aggregation and Composition
  2. Extends vs Implements
  3. What is Java Constructor?
  4. How to use a Java Constructor?
  5. How to call a Constructor from another Constructor?
  6. Access Specifier vs Access Modifier
  7. Is it possible abstract method to be static also?
  8. Can we instantiate an abstract class?
  9. Can you create instance of Interface?
  10. Explain public static void main(String args[])?
  11. Can a constructor be static?
  12. Can a constructor be private?
  13. Can you overload main()
  14. Abstract class with main(), is it possible?
  15. Why Java does not support Multiple Inheritance?
  16. Why Java does not support operator overloading?
  17. Why Java does not support Pointers?
  18. Interfaces inheritance – extends or implements
  19. Why interfaces are required?
  20. Class vs Interface
  21. Abstract class vs Interface
  22. How many types of classes exist in Java?
  23. Java Classes and Interfaces
  24. What is a class in Java?
  25. Classes and Objects in Java