
Data Source Name DSN JDBC

Importance Data Source Name DSN JDBC

DSN stands for Data Source Name. It links or bridges the JDBC driver (JdbcOdbcDriver) with ODBC driver (Microsoft ODBC for Oracle). Create DSN before executing the program and following are the steps with Window wizard screen shots.

Go to Control Panel and click over Performance and Maintenance option. Select Administrative Tools. Again click over Data Sources (ODBC). It opens a wizard window which looks as follows.

Click over Add button. The following screen is opened.

In the screen, you can see a lot of ODBC drivers for different databases. Scroll down and select "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" and then click Finish button. Now you will get the following screen in which you fill up the text boxes Data Source Name and User Name and leave the other two empty(for companies who maintain a central database server, write the server name in the text box Server).

After filling, click over OK button and now your DSN is created and ready to use in all the programs. DSN is required for Type-1 bridge driver only. Other drivers like Type-4 thin driver do not require DSN and we see it later how to use.