
Java Character isJavaLetter() Example

Java Character API comes with many methods to test whether a character is a digit or letter or defined in Unicode or can suit to be a part of Java identifier etc. This type of testing is useful in situations when a Java program can accept a character or not.

Following is the method signature as defined in java.lang.Character class.

We know earlier in Java Rules of Identifiers, an identifier in Java should start with

a) a letter OR
b) an underscore OR
c) a $ symbol

For example, 5mangoesCost will not be permitted as Java identifier as the identifier starts with a digit. To check the given character is a letter or underscore or $ symbol, a method is given in Character class isJavaLetter(char ch). The method returns true if specified character ch is either a letter or underscore or $. For anyone other than these three, the method returns false.

Following example illustrates. Just for interest, special characters are also checked.

public class CharacterFunctionDemo
  public static void main(String args[])
   char ch1 = 'a';
   char ch2 = '$';                      

   boolean b1 = Character.isJavaLetter(ch1);
   boolean b2 = Character.isJavaLetter(ch2);

   System.out.println("ch1 + " is permitted as first letter in Java identifier: " + b1);     
   System.out.println(ch2 + " is permitted as first letter in Java identifier: " + b2);     
   System.out.println("_ is permitted as first letter in Java identifier: " + Character.isJavaLetter('_'));

   System.out.println("\n5  is permitted as first letter in Java identifier: " + Character.isJavaLetter('5'));
   System.out.println("* is permitted as first letter in Java identifier: " + Character.isJavaLetter('*'));

Other than letter, $ and underscore, all letters displayed false.

Observe the compilation warning message in the screenshot. isJavaLetter(char) is deprecated in favour of isJavaIdentifierStart(char).