
boolean to int Java

The data type boolean is incompatible for converting into any other data type. That is, a boolean value cannot be converted into any other data type like char, int, double etc. The maximum permitted is one boolean can be assigned to another boolean. Here, boolean to int is not permitted.

Following are not permitted.

  boolean b = true;
  int x = b;                       // error, boolean to int

  int x = 10;
  boolean y = x;                   // error, int to boolean

  boolean b = true;
  har ch = b;                      // error, boolean to char

  char ch = 'A';
  boolean b =ch;                   // error, char to boolean

Following is permitted (boolean assignment).

  boolean b = true;
  boolean b1 = b;                  // permitted
  System.out.println(b1);          // prints true

The keyword boolean is used in comparison operations.

  int x = 10;
  int y = 20;
  boolean b = (x == y);
  System.out.println(b);           // prints false
Let us write a simple example to see the compiler message when boolean to int is casted.
public class Conversions
  public static void main(String args[])
    boolean b1 = true;
    int i1 = b1;     // error

Compiler message when boolean to int Java is done

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