Test Your Java 7

Test Your Java 7 and Test Your Java 8 are advanced questions. Answers are given for each question at the end of each test. Answering these questions increases your knowledge in Java and helps you a lot when you appear for interviews. Solving these basic questions is your first step for Certification Exams preparation.

  1. int i = -25;
    What is the output of the above fraction code ?
    a) 5 b) -5 c) a or b d) throws compilation error e) NaN f) none
  2. In case of insufficient memory, while creating an Object with new keyword, C++ returns null.
    What Java returns ?
    a) null b) does not return any thing c) displays run-time error d) displays compile-time error e ) none
  3. int x = 10;
    System.out.println((x > 10) ? 50.0 : 50);
    What could be output of the above fragment of code ?
    a) does not compile b) throws an exception c) 50.0 d) 50 e) none
  4. int x = 99, y = 100 ;
    System.out.println(x % y);
    What is the output of the above fraction of code ?
    a) 0 b) 99 c) 0.99 d) none
  5. double d = 45;
    int i = (int) d;
    The above explicit conversion takes place at
    a) compile time b) run time c) depends on the circumstance d) none
  6. .
         class  Numbers
           public static void main(String args[])
             byte b = 50;   
             b = b * 2;
             System.out.println ("b = " + b);

    The above program compiles error free.
    a) True b) False

  7. byte b;
    int i = 257;
    b = (byte) i;
    System.out.println(“b = ” + b ) ;
    The output of the above fragment of code is
    a) b = 257 b) b = 256 c) b = 1 d) 0 e) none
  8. int x[] = new int[] { 10, 20, 30 };
    Arrays can also be created and intialized as in the above statement.
    a) True b) False
  9. .
         public class ZeroValue    
           public static void main (String args[])    
    	 Integer x[] = new Integer[3]; 		

    What is the output of the above println statemnt ?
    a) 0 b) 1 c) null d) does not compile e) throws exception f ) none

  10. .
         class ArrayArgument     
           void display(int arrays[])   
             System.out.println(arrays[0]  += 2);   
           public static void main(String args[])    
    	 int intarray[] = { 5, 10, 15 };	
    	 ArrayArgument arrarg = new ArrayArgument();

    The above program
    a) both println statements prints the same value 7 b) one println prints 7 and the other 5 c) does not compile d) compiles but throws an exception e) none

  11. .
         public static void main(String args[])
    	int min = 0;
    	if(min != 0)
    	System.out.println("end of code");

    What is the output of the above fraction of code ?
    a) end of code b) compiles but no output c) does not compile as else statement returns something in a void main method d) throws exception e) none

  12. .
         class StaticMethods      
           static   { System.out.println("only static no method"); }
           public static void main(String args[])    {      }

    What is the output of the above program ?
    a) only static no method b) compiles but no output as no instance is created c) does not compile as static keyword is not followed by any method name d) none

  13. .
         public class MainTest    
           public static void main()    
    	 System.out.println ("SCJP Exam");

    What is the output of the above program ?
    a) SCJP Exam b) displays compile-time error message as main method is not as per syntax c) compiles but throws an exception at run time d) none

  14. .
         class Numbers    
           public static void main(String args [])    
    	 return ;

    The above class
    a) compiles successfully and does not print any thing b) does not compile as there is no access specifier like public in the class declaration c) does not compile as return is not carrying any value d) b and c e) none

  15. The Cloneable interface does not contain any methods.
    a) True b) False
  16. Special characters like +, -, *, % , \n etc. should not be used in a String literal.
    a) True b) False
  17. String s1 = “SRIRAMA”;
    String s2 = “RAMA”;
    String s3 = s1 – s2;
    What is the output of the above fraction of code ?
    a) SRI b) SRIRAMA c) RAMA d) does not compile e) throws exception f) none
  18. charAt(int) method is included in class
    a) String b) StringBuffer c) Object d) a and b e) none
  19. byte charArray[] = { ‘S’,’C’,’J’,’P’ };
    The above code:
    a) prints S b) prints 83 c) compilation error d) raises an exception e) none
  20. StringTokenizer class belongs to the package
    a) java.lang b) java.util c) java.io d) java.string e) none
  21. toString( ) method is a member of
    a) Object b) Thread c) String d) a, b and c e) a and c f) none
  22. The getClass() method is defined in class
    a) Object b) File c) Class d) none
  23. Void is the wrapper implementation of void.
    a) True b) False
  24. System.out.println(Math.sin(x));
    In the above statement, the value of x should be in
    a) degrees b) radians c) none
  25. .
         class Test   
           Test(int qty, double rate)  
    	 System.out.println( " Bill amount: " + qty * rate);	
           public static void main(String args[])   
    	 Test t1 = new Test();
    	 Test t2 = new Test(20, 5.5);

    The above code
    a) prints Bill amount: 110.0 b) raises a compilation error as default constructor is not defined c) raises an exception d) system hangs e) none


1. e 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a
6. b 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. a
11. b 12. a 13. c 14. a 15. a
16. b 17. d 18. d 19. b 20. b
21. d 22. a 23. a 24. b 25. b

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Correct Answers
1 to 5 : Poor
6 t0 10: Below average
11 t0 15: Average
16 to 20: Good
Above 20: Extraordinary

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8 thoughts on “Test Your Java 7”

  1. Question 3 has an extra parentheses. I believe this is a typo given the answer isn’t fail compilation.

    System.out.println((x > 10) ? 50.0 : 50));

          1. Ganga prasad pipper

            System.out.println((x > 10) ? 50.0 : 50));

            it’s showing output as

            The statement (x>10) gives false, so the output will be 50.
            But how it is 50.0
            sir, please explain
            Thank you..

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