Annotations in java

When Java source code is compiled, annotations can be processed by compiler plug-ins called annotation processors. Processors can produce informational messages or create additional Java source files or resources, which in turn may be compiled and processed, and also modify the annotated code itself.

Java Meta Annotations

Java Meta Annotations Summary: As the name indicate Java Meta Annotations annotate another annotation. Confused. No, start reading to be clear. Explained in simple terms, example codes etc. Meta Annotations (Annotations applied to other annotations, or to say, annotations-of-annotations) After understanding what an annotation is and seeing language built-in standard annotations let us go for …

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Java Standard Annotations

Java Standard Annotations Summary: At the end of this tutorial, you will be practicing predefined Java Standard Annotations. Explained in simple terms and example code understandable to a Beginner. Start reading. After knowing what are annotations in Annotations Introduction, let us see the built-in annotations that comes along with the JDK (from JDK 1.5) installation. …

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Annotations Introduction Tutorial

Annotations Introduction Tutorial Summary: Annotations are new concept introduced with JDK 1.5. Explained in simple terms for a Beginner with example code in this "Annotations Introduction Tutorial". Annotations were introduced with JDK 1.5 with the addition of APT (Annotation Processing Tool) tool where you are required to give a separate path for processor tool. Later …

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