Java Array vs ArrayList

Java Array vs ArrayList

Summary: This tutorial "Java Array vs ArrayList", tables you the differences between array and arraylist at a glance to remember easily.

Both array and ArrayList are well familiar and used by the programmer very often. Both are interoperable – array to arraylist and arraylist to array.

Following table gives the differences of Java Array vs ArrayList
Array ArrayList
Stores primitive data types and also objects Stores only objects
Defined in Java language itself as a fundamental data structure Belongs to collections framework
Fixed size Growable and resizable. Elements can be added or removed
Stores similar data of one type Can store heterogeneous data types
It is not a class It is a class with many methods
Cannot be synchronized Can be obtained a synchronized version
Elements retrieved with for loop Can be retrieved with for loop and iterators
Elements accessible with index number Accessing methods like get() etc. are available
Can be multidimensional

Array related topics that increase array manipulation techniques

For extra reading of differences between various Java entities:

Java Comparisons (vs)

2. int to Binary, Octal, Hexa
3. Converting Numbers to Words

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4 thoughts on “Java Array vs ArrayList”

  1. multidimensional?

    An ArrayList is easily as multidimensional as a Array. A multidimensional array is an Array of Arrays. A multidimensional List is just a List of List.

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